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Mike Prashker


Mike Prashker’s responsibilities include supporting the development of the Kulanana social cohesion initiative which is being run by Ruach Tova in partnership with Merchavim, the Institute for the Advancement of Shared Citizenship in Israel. Mike previously founded and directed Merchavim, where Kulanana was first conceived, and he is now a member of Merchavim’s volunteer Board of Directors. He is currently completing a two-year book project “A Place for Us All – Social Cohesion and The Future of Israel” due for publication in Hebrew, Arabic and English later this year. After providing a definition for the term and discussing the universal conditions conducive to its development, the book explores the distinct social cohesion challenges, history and trajectory of Israeli society. A series of policy and programming recommendations designed to promote “healthier” levels of social cohesion in Israel are proposed.


Updated June 2017