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Dina Vardaramatou


Dina Vardaramatou is the Coordinator of the PRAKSIS Polyclinic in Athens which offers its legal, medical and social services to socially or/and economically excluded people such as immigrants, refugees, homeless, unaccompanied minors, ex-inmates, ex-drug users etc. She is a social worker/sociologist with a Master of Arts Degree in Social and Community Work Studies. She has carried out research on trafficking in persons, genetic screening, social inclusion, sexual rape, gender-based violence.

Dina Vardaramatou has worked as Scientific Advisor of Project Empowerment of Socially Excluded Women in Georgia (2003-2005). Since 2012 she has been serving as General Secretary of the NGO Centre of Research and Action on Peace – formerly she was President of the Board (2003-2006) and a member of the Executive Board. She has worked as a Project Coordinator of Stop Trafficking of People Now (STOP NOW – 2000-2009), and was the founder and coordinator of the Galatsi Group (ad hoc group of stakeholders – state agencies, international organizations and NGOs working on anti-trafficking issues, 2002-2009).

Dina Vardaramatou has served as a member of the Committee of Social Agencies, at the Ministry of Health (2008-2012). She was Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Observatory Against Gender-based Violence (2007-2012), a member of the Executive Board of the international NGO Association of Women of the Mediterranean Region (AWMR) (1996-1998). She has worked extensively – as a professional, activist and volunteer – with socially or/and economically excluded groups such as victims of trafficking, drug users, people from vastly different and culturally diverse backgrounds.


Updated October 2015