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Scroll down to learn more about the workshops offered at the 2019 Conference on Antisemitism in Berlin on Sunday, October 27.

Parallel Workshops: 1 & 2

Workshop 1

Trust the Process, Begin Anywhere: A Tool Kit for Creative Practice and Cultural Collaboration

By Michelle Shofet, Artist and Designer, & Marissa Schneiderman, Writer and Artist, Humanity in Action Senior Fellows
In 2016, Michelle Shofet and Marissa Schneiderman sewed the seeds for their alternative “guidebook” on Jewish culture in contemporary Poland. Using methodologies such as field recording, visual documentation, oral history and etching, they created a multimedia art piece entitled, Żyd: An Index of Encounters—a work intended to foster empathy and connectivity across cultures. The intention of this workshop is to inspire and inform others on how to implement into their own projects a variety of research methodologies designed to enrich any topic of exploration.

Workshop 2

SIGN – A Live-Action Roleplaying Game About How Deaf Children in Nicaragua Created their Own Sign Language — and What We Can Learn From Such Games About Preparing the Ground for Human Rights Discussions

By Pearl Zare, Performance Artist, & Gerrit Reininghaus, Mathematician, Philosopher, Humanity in Action Senior Fellow

SIGN is an award-winning freeform larp, a live-action roleplaying game. We will go through a personal and emotional experience by roleplaying deaf kids in 1977 Nicaragua, embedded in a prepared, respectful and safe space. After the game, we use the momentum of this shared experience for a broader discussion on the role of emotional game design in human rights discussions.

Parallel Workshops: 3 & 4

Workshop 3

Social Media Done Right: Strategies for Facebook, Twitter and other platforms you never heard of!

By Yonatan Miller (he/him), Activist turned Technologist from New York

Absolute beginners and intermediate social media users alike will benefit from this interactive and highly visual workshop. You will learn what social media platforms are tailored best for your needs and how to fuel them. You will get an introduction to advanced topics like engagement, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), analytics and finding the perfect avatar and aspect ratio for images. You will learn from the best and worst on social media platforms today! #YOLO

Yonatan Miller (he/him) is an activist turned technologist from New York. He moved to Berlin in 2015 and is involved with social movements in the streets and the tweets. He is a software developer and co-founded the Berlin Tech Workers Coalition.

Workshop 4

Community Organizing Strategies 101

By Tara Dickman, Le Next Level, Trainer, Coach, Humanity in Action Senior Fellow 

In this workshop, participants will look at this US civil rights movements with fresh eyes and learn the basic steps towards organizing sustainable change in the face of injustice. They will then go through the process of applying these principles and steps to current affairs on their own environment.


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Our Supporters

We thank the Foundation EVZ for their generous support of this project.